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December 07, 2022 2 min read

The holidays are a time for giving and showing your appreciation for your loved ones. If you’re looking for ways to express your creativity this holiday season, why not try creating gifts with epoxy resin? This versatile material can be used to make unique, beautiful gifts that will make your friends and family feel extra special. Read on to learn more about crafting the perfect holiday gifts with epoxy resin!

Epoxy resin is a two-part liquid plastic that hardens when mixed together. It is commonly used in crafting, woodworking, and jewelry making because it is easy to use, durable, and can be molded into virtually any shape or form. You can also choose from a variety of colors and finishes to customize your projects. With epoxy resin, the possibilities are endless—you can create anything from simple trinkets to intricate sculptures.

2 tiered jewelry tray created by: merakireign

Holiday decorations are always popular gifts around the holiday season, so why not make some of your own using epoxy resin? For example, you could try making an intricately designed ornament or a DIY snow globe using molds made out of silicone or other materials. You could even use colored resins to make one-of-a-kind candle holders or vases. If you’re feeling particularly creative, you could also try making personalized jewelry pieces like necklaces or earrings. There’s no limit to what you can create with epoxy resin! 


Jewelry created by : nixonartgallery

Tips For Creating Holiday Gifts With Epoxy Resin:

Creating gifts with epoxy resin isn’t as difficult as it might seem – just follow these tips for success:

• Make sure the area is well ventilated before working with epoxy resin – wear gloves and safety glasses if needed

• Measure out the correct amount of each part of the resin mixture (usually 1 part A to 1 part B)

• Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps in the mixture before pouring into molds or onto canvas or table tops.

• Let projects cure fully before taking them out of their molds – curing times vary by type of project so be sure to do test pieces to be sure - (or call us for help!)

• Sand down any rough edges as needed!

Custom gold glitter coasters created by: creative.hooligians

Crafting holiday gifts with epoxy resin is an easy way to show your appreciation for those special people in your life while adding a personal touch. Whether you’re making decorations or jewelry pieces, adding colorful details or finishing off with sparkles and glitter – there’s no limit to what you can do when creating gifts with this versatile material! So don’t wait – start crafting something special today!